One stop sharing Hub
How to Add my product/item for sharing?
You can add your item or items using this page . However, you need to be signed in to add the item . Only members can add and request for items. Here's a video tutorial to add your items. If you are still unable to add. Contact us
Is there any fee for signing up?
Signing up is absolutely free we don't ask for any credit card information. Infact you get bonus points on signing up
What is point system?
The site works on points system , so the transactions are easier for you especially while swapping. There is a service fee which is collected in terms of points when you request for an item. This point is a small percentage 1-5% of the transaction. If the transaction does not go through the points will be refunded
Where can I see my points.
Members can keep track of the points in the "My Points" page in the profile section
Will there be any charges for adding an item?
Adding items are absolutely free, you can add any number there is no limit. The service fee (in terms of points) is applicable only after you approve a request
What to do if am short of points , how can I get points?
If you are short of points to request an item, you can purchase points from Sumrux. 1 point = 1 Rs . To purchase just Paytm the amount the number in "Call Us " with a note "Sumrux - <member name>"
Can I get a refund of points?
We would be so sorry to see you leave. But, we respect your decision . Yes, you can get a refund of the points you purchased or the points transferred to you
Can I cancel a deal?
Yes you can cancel a request before the owner accepts it. Once the owner accepts a request , you will not be able to cancel the request Only the Owner can cancel the request.
There will be no cancellation charge deducted if you cancel the request before Owner accepts. However if you cancel after the owner accepts, there is a small charge of upto 1% . .

Covid Related
What are the covid care items that can be shared ?
Following is the list of items that can be shared. Weather they are new or used, they have to be sanitized before use. We are checking and building the list here are few
1. Oximeter
2. Unused masks , in sealed package
3. Oxygen regulator valve
4. Thermometer gun
5. Pain relievers (not medicines)
6. Steam inhalers
What are the covid care items that Cannot be shared ?
Following is the list of items that cannot be shared.
1. Used oral thermometers
2. Used nebulizers
3. Used masks
4. Valves with any defect
5. Oxygen cylinders that are damaged
6. Medicines
What are the precautions to be followed .
Please be advised as per Government orders in your area and follow them. Pick up items only if necessary. Here are precautions to be followed if you are giving an item or picking up - Covid Precautions
Can medicines be shared ?
Medicines can be taken only after consulting a doctor and as per their prescriptions. We do not recommend sharing medicines and will not be allowed on Sumrux
When can I share my Covid care items?
You can share the items , If you are free of all Covid symptoms and after infection, have completed the quarantine period of 14 days or period recommended by your doctor . The items can be shared. Ensure the masks are unused and seal is not opened. All items should be cleaned with sanitizer before they are given and after they have been returned. If there is no immediate need after they are returned, it is recommended to leave them aside for at least 72 hrs.
How to check verify items when renting or buying pre- loved items
Check the blog https://www.sumrux.com/post/know-your-covid-care-devices
How to swap an item ?
What if am short of points to swap?
If you are short of points for swapping try swapping with any of your products that the owner as mentioned. If you are still short you can purchase points from Sumrux and transfer to owner.
As a owner what if I am ready to give the item to the requester but don't want points
If you do not want points we can refund the equivalent amount. Just let us know after the transaction is complete and the item is picked up.
Events FAQ
Where and how can I register items?
All Items you are putting up for Sale/Swap must be registered individually, Click a picture of the each item and upload them with few details in the form . To register them click here
Can I drop off items without registering ?
Pre-registering items before dropping off will help us avoid inconvenience caused to you and other members by avoiding to wait in queue , while we register them for you.
You can pre-register the items. as best as you can before you drop off. We will be upraising them and editing the items details and correcting them for you.
Why do I need to register items?
Yes registering items is mandatory if you want to sell/Swap them. It helps us track your items so we can transfer the points to you. This will also help you sell or swap the items online incase they are not sold at the event.
How will I get amount for my items?
If your item is sold at an event., the amount will be credited to you as points in your Sumrux account.. The points can be redeemed for any purchases at the event or for Swapping etc on our website. If you would prefer a cash back, just drop us a message and we will transfer the amount via Wallets like Paytm, Google pay. A small service fee of 2% is deducted
How can I cash my points?
If you would prefer a cash back, just drop us a message and we will transfer the amount via Wallets like Paytm, Google pay
Know more about point system click here
What happens if I am unable to pick up items I have put for sale?
If the items you have registered for sale are not picked up within the designated date and time, they will be sent for donation.
What happens if I am unable to pick up items I have put for sale?
If you are short of points for swapping try swapping with any of your products that the owner as mentioned. If you are still short you can purchase points from Sumrux and transfer to owner.
How will I know if I have to pick back my item(s)
If your item is sold you will receive an e-mail with the details. If you have not received the mail. Your item was not sold , you can come and pick up on the scheduled day. Usually same day of event or the very next day.. We will not be able to deliver them to you. The items will be sent for donation
How can I find out if my item was sold?
If your item is sold you will receive an e-mail with the details. If you have not received the mail. Your item was not sold , you can come and pick up on the scheduled day. Usually same day of event or the very next day.. We will not be able to deliver them to you. The items will b sent for donation
Free items FAQ
Where can I give away my items?
You can give items for free anytime. Just post a pic and few details that will help the members understand the item better. Click here to add your item
Will you be picking up the items?
We are building a community and encourage members living in your area to pick up the items. Hence, we do not pick up unless there is a NGO who is in need for it. In which case we will get in touch with you.
If you were unable to find your answers here send us an WhatsApp message to number mentioned under "Call Us" or Contact Us