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Writer's pictureSumrux

History of Conservation struggles, how you can stop it.

Painting depicting the trees support life and are the heart of the forests. Forests support us and our lives depend on all the resources nature offers us . Is is up to us to maintain the delicate balance
Madhubani painting Tree of life

We are now realizing the truth about conservation with UN taking note of it by dedicating days to remind us of sustainability.

Looking back at our history came across many recorded incidences where people have fought and made the ultimate sacrifice by giving up their lives to save the precious resource we are blessed with - "Forests"

Although, I am no historian, neither is history my subject of interest, but conservation is. So, have collated some of these facts.

If you are wondering about the relation of the picture with the blog on and find out.

There probably are many protests through the history, These are some that have been major change makers. These protests go as far back as 18th century.

  • 1730, Khejadli, Jodhpur, Rajastan - saw death of 363 men and women of the village trying to save trees by hugging them, The uprising was mainly by women led by Amrita Devi. Following this the raja of Jodhpur issues a royal decree, banning the felling of trees in Bishnoi villages

  • 30th May 1930, Uttrakhand - As many as 17 persons were shot dead and about 80 arrested , when the rulers of the state wanted to suppress the rebellion against the commercialization of the forests

  • April 1973, Mandal village, Uttrakhand - The upper Alaknanda valley, , saw an uprising by women to save the trees and forest being destroyed for a factory manufacturing sporting goods.

  • 1979 Sirisi, Karnataka - campaign against the proposed Bedthi hydroelectric project. This project would have submerged thousands of hectares of natural forest and agricultural land and displaced many villages. Local opposition supported by people like Sunderlal Bahuguna forced the government to scrap it.

  • 1986 Bandora Goa - Movement to save western Ghats from mining industry

  • 2014 - 2021 Aarey Forest Mumbai - seven years of battle by the citizens of Mumbai to save the last green patch of the city, where the previous government wanted to build a car shed for the metro project.

These Battles are still on

  • 2019 Buxwaha, Madhya Pradesh - The voices are to save more than 2.15 lakh trees that would reach the chippers from around 382 hectares of land to be cleared for a diamond mine.

  • 2021 Singanayakanahalli lake , Turahalli forest Bengaluru - Greenwash destruction of forest disguised as development activity.

Notice most protests in and around villages were all by women who fought for their livelihood. Hence made this the folk painting depicting their respect and reverence for trees, wildlife, nature and forests.

We can avoid all these destruction, protests and fights, by reducing the burden on nature for her resources.

It is all in the way you choose to buy and what you buy. Economy is Supply and demand game. The more the demand more the supply, To increase the supply we will have to use up more natural resources, set up more factories, add to carbon footprint, generate waste and this in turn creates the havoc and destruction of our forests, rivers, oceans,

Demand less use more, Choose to buy only when you need and intend to use it at least 30 times. The more it is used the better. If you intend to use anything for a fewer number of times, the best option is to go in for renting /hiring it, swapping it for another item you rarely use. If you have already collected stuff around home that you don't use, consider sharing it with others by put it up for hire or swap it for something you could use.

Before you buy ask yourself do you really really need it and will be using it and beware of greenwash.

Reduce your Material footprint.

Nature has created humans with the most evolved brain power, probably in hopes to help her at time of distress, the time to use it is NOW.

Further reading

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