Set of 2 Banking books
Set of 2 books
Barons of Banking by Bakhtiar K Dadabhoy
provides an insight into the lives of six prominent personalities from various institutes of banking. Sorabji Pochkhanawala, one of the founders of the Central Bank of India, Sir Purshotamdas Thakurdas, Chintaman D. Deshmukh, the first Indian Governor of the Reserve Bank of India, A D Shroff, founder of the Investment Corporation of India, H T Parekh, the founder of HDFC and R K Talwar form the majority of contributors to the Indian banking scene.
The ascent of money by Niall Ferguson
Classic financial history of the world up to the present day, tackling the populist backlash that followed the 2008 crisis, the descent of "Chimerica" into a trade war, and the advent of cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, with his signature clarity and expert lens.
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